Jun 29 2021 香港藝術館 超現實之外──巴黎龐比度中心藏品展
(iPhone 11pro)

超現實之外──巴黎龐比度中心藏品展: The Bull Fight (鬥牛), Joan Miró

超現實之外──回到香港: 《人工現實》, 林欣傑 (機械裝置)


1/F 維多利亞港景

《夢的香港》, 黃美諺 (繪本及動畫)




The Grand Transparent (大透明者), Jacques Hérold

關於The Grand Transparent (大透明者)

The Mother of Myths (神話之母), Victor Brauner

Intervision (幻想之間), Victor Brauner and Roberto Matto

Landscape - Table (風景──桌), Arshile Gorky

Wolf Devouring a Bird (狼吞噬鳥), André Masson

Bacchanale (飲酒歌), André Masson

The Temptation of Saint Anthony (聖安東尼的誘惑), Wilhelm Freddie

Hard Crystal Trap Transformed into Mélusine's Smile (硬水晶的陷阱演變成靡露莘的微笑), André Masson

Ecstasy (狂喜), André Masson

關於Ecstasy (狂喜)

Play with the Unknowns (超現實玩「未」)

Play with the Unknowns (超現實玩「未」)

Minotaur (牛頭怪)

The King Playing with the Queen (王與后博弈), Max Ernst

The King Playing with the Queen (王與后博弈)

The Adoration of the Calf (牛犢的崇拜), Francis Picabia

The Dictator (獨裁者), Erwin Blumenfeld

The Labyrinth (迷宮), André Masson

Chimera (奇美拉), Max Ernst

Baoule Ox-mask (Bonu Amwin, Republic of Ivory Coast) 鮑勒公牛面具 (鮑勒族,象牙海岸共和國)、Punu Mask (Gabon) 普努面具 (加蓬共和國)

關於Baoule Ox-mask (鮑勒公牛面具)、Punu Mask (普努面具)

Solicis (水柳), Francis Picabia

William Tell (威廉·泰爾), Salvador Dalí

關於William Tell (威廉·泰爾)
